Emergency Roof Repair
Providing High-Quality Residential Roof Replacement in Youngstown, OH

At EAS Roofing, we have raised the roof-ing standards for residents of Youngstown, OH. With CertainTeed’s Integrity Roofing System, you can be confident it the fact that your home will be the most durable and will last for a long time. The great thing about the Integrity Roof System that you get from EAS Roofing for your residential roof replacement or new roof installation, is that it can handle anything. That is a huge advantage in a town like Youngstown that can face extreme weather in the winter time.
Finding out you need an emergency roof repair in your Youngstown home can be frustrating!
Welcome to an EAS Roofing specialty!
If you find that you are in immediate need of a roofing repair because of unexpected or abrupt roof damage, call EAS Roofing immediately!
Call 330-227-2559
At our Youngstown Roofing Company, we understand the importance of having a solid roof on your beautiful home. Having a roof above you means that you have a fully functioning roofing systems that protects your family and your valuables from the world outside.
There is no doubt that roofing emergencies can happen at any time or place in this world. Sometimes they are caused by an expected storm or by something so unexpected and unassuming….like a small drizzle.
No matter what the cause of your roof damage may be, our roofing contractors at EAS Roofing of Youngstown will thoroughly investigate all areas of your home and leave no extensive damages caused by your roof undetected.
Roof damage can happen much more quickly than you may wish to admit and if it is not promptly addressed, lots of damage to your Youngstown dream home may ensue.
If a tree has fallen on top of your house or wind has removed or uplifted your shingles, it is time to called Youngstown’s certified roofing contractors. We are ready to inspect your home and help you recover quickly from any roofing nightmares or set backs.
Our Youngstown Roofing company is here for you.
Our Youngstown Roofing Company has been serving the area for over a decade. With a variety of services to newer and older Youngstown Homes, EAS Roofing has been a favorite company of businesses and homes throughout Youngstown, OH.
A barrage of roof damage from wind, rain and even tornadoes has blessed our business through the years. We have seen shingles fall off of roofs and seen trees without leaves left. It is shocking to see the aftermath of damage to your home or business roof.
Whether or not your roof takes a few minutes to fix or if it takes many hours or day, there is a lot to consider when repairing a roof. Roof Flashing or repairing soffits also fall under our scope of work when we inspect and repair the damages to your home.
Some roof repairs may require a temporary tarp while the shingles are being removed in order to properly protect your roof during the installation or the repair.
If a large tree has fallen on your home, you may have a large hole or puncture that affects the structure of your home. If you suspect any type of damage to your roof, you must call us immediately so we can help you keep your home property and family safe from the exterior elements of the world.
If you call EAS Roofing today or tomorrow, know that you will receive the best service at any and all times. Damage to your business roof or home is our focus and keeping your satisfied is part of our standard.
Eas Roofing can work with your home or property insurance to ensure proper repairs to your home.
Call EAS Roofing Contractors of Youngstown today and find out how we can help you minimize more damage to your home or psyche!
Call us today for a quote
Fill out this form
1201 William Flynn Hwy.
Glenshaw, PA. 15116
Tel: 412-781-7663
Fax: 412-242-2978
4496 Mahoning Ave. #262
Youngstown OH 44515
Tel: 330-227-2559
Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment

The Process Behind the Best Residential Roofing from EAS Roofing

The most important thing to consider when choosing roofers for your residential roof installation is the process that they use. With EAS Roofing, our detailed method for residential roof replacement is proven to provide the highest standard of roofing for your home. Here is how we do it:
To begin:
When installing a new roof, it is important to make sure that the foundation is secure. With every roof installation, EAS roofing removes all of the material down to the decking. Before installing any part of your new roof, we make sure to replace any rotten wood or wood that does not meet our high standards.
Provide a Solid Foundation
Step 1:
Winterguard Underlayment
The next step for your roof installation is installing Winterguard as an underlayment on your roof decking. This is a waterproofing that is offered by CertainTeed that helps to prevent any leakage due to ice dams and heavy rain. EAS Roofing installs Winterguard at all eaves, valleys, pipe flashings, chimneys, skylights and any problematic area that may be present on your roof. This product comes in a 3 foot roll and in some occasions it is necessary to install multiple rows.
Step 2:
Starter Shingles
To prevent new roof shingles from being blown off by the wind, EAS Roofing installs Swifstart Starter shingles on all of your rakes and eaves. This part of the residential roof installation increases your wind rating from 110 mph to 130 mph.
Step 3:
Roofer's Select
The next part of our process is installing Diamond Deck, a secondary water protection. This is a synthetic underlayment that helps provide stability and prevent leaks from occurring, even during the roof installation.
Step 4:
CertainTeed Shingles
EAS Roofing, installs CertainTeed series shingles. Landmark is the most popular of CertainTeed's lineup and is available in many colors that compliment any trim to your property. They have a duel- layer that serves as extra protection from our Youngstown elements. They also come with a 10 year streak free algae guarantee and can with stand up to 130 mph winds. They can also be upgraded to Landmark PRO, which is a heavier shingle that can prevent algae for 15 years. With EAS Roofing we are able to offer our homeowners a 5- Star Warranty that also covers our workmanship making it the best warranty in the roofing business.
Step 5:
Hip and Ridge
With EAS Roofing,the finishing step to your new roof would be making sure there is proper ventilation through your home. We use CertainTeed Filtered rolled Ridgevent. This product, less than an inch in height, works to ventilate your attic and provides evenly distributed ventilation along the entire underside of the roof. It is also designed to maximize airflow across the entire underside of roof.