Roof Repair Services

At EAS Roofing, We offer our customers a 24/7 Service Repair Department. We have a company service van that is always stocked and prepared to fix common roof leaks. These leaks can range from missing shingles, pipe or chimney flashings that need to be re-sealed or skylights that are letting water in through the seams, nail pops and damage to metal valleys'. We also service gutters, soffit and fascia and ridge vents. If you are having a leak and unsure of the culprit, we would be happy to come out and assess the issue. We are also prepared to fix the leak same day and can usually have a technician to your house within 24 hours of a call being made about the issue.
Fast and Reliable Roof Leak Repair in Youngstown, OH.
There is nothing better than settling in after a long day. However, your relaxing evening could be rudely interrupted by the discovery of a leak in your roof. When you need a roof leak repair in Youngstown, there is no one better to call than EAS roofing. So if you are facing and emergency roof repair situation, give us a call right away.
The reason we are available to provide the roof repair that you need so quickly is because our roofing contractors arrive in a service van that is prepared to handle all of the common roof leak issues. Whether you need roofing shingles replaced, face pipe and chimney flashings that need to be re-sealed, or another common roofing problem, our excellent roofers in Youngstown will handle it quickly. When you experience a leak, just give us a call and we will send out a technician to quickly assess what roofing services you need and resolve the issue so that you can get back to life as usual.

Call us today for a quote
Fill out this form
1201 William Flynn Hwy.
Glenshaw, PA. 15116
Tel: 412-781-7663
Fax: 412-242-2978
4496 Mahoning Ave. #262
Youngstown OH 44515
Tel: 330-227-2559
Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment
The Local Roofers in Youngstown for Any Repair
There are a few common roof repairs that come up that our excellent roofers are prepared to handle. One issue that comes up is the problem of missing shingles. Whether it has been caused by high winds or improper installation, missing shingles can cause a leak that needs to be resolved quickly. If the issue is with an improper roof installation, then it is important to consider a full roof replacement because even with our roof leak repair to the damaged area, there could be future problems.
Most Common Roof Leaks
Other common repairs are pipe flashing repairs, chimney flashing, and ridge vent repair. EAS Roofing has the experienced roofing contractors that have seen these issues many times and can repair them quickly. Do not get stuck with a leaky roof in Youngstown, because you can call us for incredibly fast and effective roof repair anytime, and any day. Our technicians can also provide services to damaged seals on skylights, solar attic fans and can deal with the common issue of ice dams. No matter what kind of roof repair service you need, be sure to call us and get the issue resolved right away.
Pipe Flashing Leaks
Pipe Flashing Repairs are the most common repairs. There are multiple ways on repairing Pipe Flashings, but the most common is to apply a new flange over the old cracked one. Most of our service techs can address Pipe Flashing Repairs by having the material on their vehicles. Many other roofing companies will just apply roof cement around the broken flange, this may buy you some time but will not be a perment repair. Another way to repair a Pipe Flashing is to remove the shingles around the Pipe Flashing and install ice and water shield, and a new Pipe Falshing. This is more extensive and should only be done if the shingles are in good shape, and the metal on the pipe Flashing is rusted or has holes in it.

Chimney Flashing

Chimney Flashing Repairs are another common repair. If you look in the photo to the left the shingles are new and the chimney flashing was not replaced during the install. EAS Roofing sees this a lot, it is a result of a roofing company not having the correct tools for the job (a brake). EAS Roofing will not only replace your chimney flashing during the install but we will also replace or repair the chimney flashing that the last roofing company didn't. Chimney Flashing is an important part of your roofing system and it is also something that could really add to the overall look of your house, Ask EAS Roofing for samples of colors that might look better with your home.

Skylight Repairs can be as simple as resealing the factory seal, where the glass meets the metal. UV rays deteriorate the black adhesive and allows rain to roll down the glass and seep into the house. There are also more intensive repairs that require the removal of the shingles around the skylight or even the whole skylight.
Most skylights that EAS Roofing repairs are not because of a workmanship error but rather the factory seal starting to fail. When it is because of workmanship the whole skylight or flashing kit has to be replaced. If your roof is newer (1-5years) and your skylight starts to leak then odds are it is a workmanship error. If your roof is near the end of its useful life then it is probably the factory seal that has failed. Call our Service team today if this is an issue that your dealing with.
Solar Attic Fans
Solar powered attic fans are usually installed on Hipped roofs to help pull air in from your soffit panels. But on occasions they are also used on gabled roofs to pull air in from the gable vents. Having correct ventilation will prolong the life of your roof and keep your house cool in the hot summer months. Solar power attic fans are also a lot quieter then your typical electric powered attic fan.

Ridge Vent Repair
Metal ridge vent repairs are fairly common and can be a simple repair, but in most cases homeowners just want to get rid of the problem all together and have the ridge vent replaced with a newer model. If you are experiencing a leak in the middle of your house odds are this is the culprit. For the simple repair our techs usually just have to install a couple nails and reseal all the exposed nail heads, usually there is an exposed nail head every 12 inches on each side so 2 per foot. When the black metal gets hot the old roof cement starts to dry out and crack, leaving the nails vulnerable to the rain.

Ice Dams
Ice dams are obviously a issue you will only have in the winter months but it can be the worst leak you ever have as well. Their are many reasons why ice dams can occur but the most common is not having the correct insulation. If your heating your house and losing heat, the snow is going to melt off the top. Once the snow reaches the overhang were you are no longer heating it turns to ice and starts to climb up the shingles. Ice dams can sometimes be prevent with the installation of an Ice and Water Barrier and should be installed on any new install 2 foot past the interior wall.
Missing Shingles
Missing shingles are usually the case of high winds but they can also occur due to improper installation. If the installer is nailing the shingle higher then the installation methods call for the nails are not holding the shingle underneath it. Every shingle actually has 2 rows of nails because of the coarse above it. Most shingles are rated over 100mph but reducing the nails your lucky to get half that. The issue that EAS Roofing has with these type of repairs is that although we can replace the areas that have been affected the whole roof was installed this way and to truly never have to worry about it again you would have to have a full roof replacement. Which is almost never done because the roofs with blow offs are usually 10 year or newer.

Nail Pops

Nail pops are usually caused by the installer improperly driven in. If the compressor is set on too high of a psi it will blow threw the shingle, if it isn't set on high enough setting it will be under driven and allow a "nail pop" to occur. Nail pops can also occur if the pressure on the air compressor is set to the perfect setting by driving he nails in on an angle. Most roof installs have thousands upon thousands of nails, and it only takes one nail to be installed improperly to cause a leak. Usually not a very big leak but none the less a leak. So next time you notice a small spot on the ceiling or a crack in the drywall don't ignore it... it won't go away on its own.
Valley Flashing
Valley flashing can be a must on different types of shingles, but you want to make sure that the metal is undamaged. If your valley flashing gets a nail hole you could be in for some damage. Unlike a nail pop were one bad nail usually doesn't cause much damage, a valley is were the majority of your water will run off your roof. Which means the majority of the water has a chance of coming inside. EAS Roofing has seen metal crack were the bend is or were a tear off shovel made a hole. In most cases sealant is used to repair until the roof is replaced and the valley flashing is redone. The alternative is to remove the shingles around the valley and install a new metal flashing and shingles.

Affordable Roof Repair Cost and Other Roofing Services
One of the most important things to us at EAS roofing, besides providing excellent service, is providing our customers with a roof repair cost that is affordable and reasonable. No one wants their roof work to be cheap, but we promise that our prices are reasonable and that you will receive the highest quality roofing services with our team.
When there is a leak in your roof, the most important thing you need is a roofing contractor that will arrive quickly and capable of repairing your roof right away. Just call EAS Roofing at any time if you need a roof leak repair in Youngstown, and we will be there for you as soon as possible.